Jan. 9, 2025
test feed
Nov. 30, 2024
Combining a Work from Home Lifestyle and an Effective Fitness Routine
Data from Pew Research shows that about 22 million Americans were working fully remote as of March 2023. Remote work can increase flexibility and underlines benefits such as a boost in productivity for some. But The Hill notes that remote work has been linked to poorer sleep, trouble with relaxation,…… read more → -
Nov. 8, 2024
Introduction to Nutrition Coaching
TAC Fitness is excited to now offer Nutrition Coaching, personalized to help you crush your fitness goals. Molly Kempel has joined our team as a nutritionist and is ready to connect to help you build a plan that optimizes your health while fitting seamlessly into your life. … read more →
Nov. 2, 2024
Keep Up With Your Health Goals By Using These Simple Routines
We often believe that taking care of our physical and mental health is time-consuming or expensive, but embracing simple and effective strategies is key to building wellness habits that last. This approach allows for gradual improvements that are sustainable over time. Everyone can benefit from integrating these habits into… read more →
Sep. 29, 2024
Working Out When You’re Battling a Chronic Health Condition
An estimated 129 million people in the US have at least one chronic disease, with heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity being some of the most common maladies. Although chronic illness can cause pain or discomfort, your doctor may recommend that you remain physically active, even…… read more → -
Aug. 31, 2024
Healthy Living Tips That Will Ensure A Long and Happy Life
Photo via Pexels
In the fast pace of life, prioritizing your health is essential for lasting vitality. Adopting healthy habits improves your quality of life and reduces the risk of chronic diseases. Your path to healthy living includes making straightforward, yet impactful lifestyle changes. These adjustments…
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May. 28, 2024
FREE Fitness on the Rink in Snowmass Base Village
Mar. 3, 2024
Exercise Tips For Beginners
Embarking on a fitness journey can be both exhilarating and daunting, especially for beginners. Whether you’re aiming to shed a few pounds, build strength, or simply improve your overall health, incorporating exercise into your routine is a crucial step towards achieving your goals. However, navigating the… read more →
Feb. 18, 2024
The Vital Role Played by Personal Trainers in Promoting Mental Wellness
Exercise heals… not only the body but also, in many cases, the mind… especially when stress, anxiety, and depression come into play. As reported by the National Institutes of Health, physical activity reduces levels of stress hormones and enhances mood—and both these factors are strongly…… read more → -
Aug. 6, 2023
From Couch to Fit: A Guide to Personal Training Transformation
There’s nothing like the feeling of getting in shape. Your clothes fit better, you feel stronger and more confident, and your energy levels are sky-high. But if you’re like most people, getting to that point can be a bit of an uphill battle—especially if you have zero… read more →
May. 18, 2023
Insurance Benefits
TAC has made several insurance fitness program options available, encouraging participants to visit the facilities and take group fitness classes offered by TAC.
Amanda Wagner, owner of TAC said, “We are proud to work with Insurance Companies to make our fitness center available to even more of our community. This… read more →
May. 8, 2023
Fighting Obesity by Focusing on Wellness
Photo via Pixabay
Fighting Obesity by Focusing on Wellness
Obesity is a complex condition. It is not, despite what you have heard countless times, just about calories in and calories out. In order to lose weight effectively, you need to develop a holistic perspective of your health and… read more →
Jan. 23, 2023
Simple Strategies for Losing Weight and Keeping it Off
Losing weight can seem like an uphill battle, but there are simple strategies that can help you slim down and keep the pounds off for good. Making small changes in your diet and lifestyle can lead to big results, and with our tips, you’ll be on… read more →
May. 22, 2022
How To Increase Energy And Motivation: 9 Tips
We all strive for a healthy and productive lifestyle, but sometimes, we’re just too tired or unmotivated to get there. However, with a few simple changes in how you live your life and a few helpful hints, you may find yourself with more energy than ever before.
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May. 1, 2022
Mixing Fitness with Self-Care: How to Find Balance
Photo via Pixabay
For many people, finding the time and energy to devote to self-care and fitness every day seems impossible. As our lives get busier, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with keeping ourselves looking and feeling good. However, fitting in a workout and caring for your mind,… read more →
Mar. 13, 2022
9 Ways to Boost Your Immune System Naturally
9 Ways to Boost Your Immune System NaturallyTwo years into the pandemic and one thing is clear. Now more than ever, it’s crucial to do all you can to keep your immune system strong. Maybe you are feeling symptoms of Long-Covid or just don’t want to… read more →
Aug. 9, 2021
Foods of the Rainbow
Jul. 19, 2021
How To Take Care Of Your Feet
Jun. 7, 2021
Ways to Reduce the Likelihood of Orthopedic Injuries
Orthopedic injuries can hit anyone, whether you’re a hard-training athlete or a hardworking employee spending the better part of their day sitting in front of their computer.
Accidents cause many orthopedic-related injuries, like in the case of athletes who land badly on the floor or field… read more →
Apr. 26, 2021
What are Some of the Most Common Sports Injuries And Why?
Participating in sports is a crucial aspect of an active and healthy lifestyle. For starters, it is good for the heart and can help with maintaining and building muscular strength. In addition, it is also considered good social and mental therapy and can help develop self-confidence and discipline.
While… read more →
Jan. 18, 2021
2020: The Best Teacher None Of Us Wanted
How to utilize the most challenging year as a launchpad for continued growth!
If your past year was like most of ours, then 2020 was hard. Like once in a lifetime events happened every month, type of hard. The start of 2021 carries a huge relief, despite…
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Oct. 12, 2020
5 Tips To Help You Stay Fit At Home
Guest Post – Liam Coultman
With the amount of uncertainty in the world right now you can’t be blamed for not wanting to take that trip to your gym or fitness center. For some, it may not even be an option. But threat not as there are… read more →
Jul. 15, 2020
CO2 Tolerance Test
THE CO2 TOLERANCE TEST AND WHY YOU SHOULD BE WORKING ON YOUR LUNGSI recently put all the combat sports athletes I train through the CO2 Tolerance Test and used the results to assign specific breathing…
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Jun. 7, 2020
This is Your Go-To Resource for Post-Lockdown Health (At Home)
Although restrictions are lifting in many areas, you may not feel comfortable coming into TAC yet, and you may not feel safe to visit regularly. So, many people continue to stay home even as the lockdown lifts. The good news is that you can keep healthy while sticking close… read more →
Mar. 23, 2020
Stay Healthy, Stay Clean, Stay Fit
By Karla Salas, CPT
131 hours, 56 minutes and counting since the order was given to shut down gyms due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). The order was given to protect our communities and minimize the outbreak of a contagious virus; now each one of us is practicing… read more →
Mar. 1, 2020
Caffeine and Running Performance
By: Kylee Van Horn, RDN Does caffeine hurt, or help when running?For most of us, our morning isn’t complete without our cup o’ delicious caffeinated beverage. As far as running performance goes, whether it’s coffee, tea, or caffeinated gum, caffeine is a proven central nervous system stimulant. In…
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Nov. 30, 2019
The Ketogenic Quandary
By: Kylee Van Horn, RDN
Despite the high-carbohydrate tradition in running, some endurance athletes are going against the grain and choosing low-carbohydrate, high-fat (LCHF) diets in an attempt to change the way their bodies use energy—using fat stores first and reserving glycogen stores for later. LCHF…
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Nov. 16, 2019
Sleep: The Foundation of Our Health
By: Sarah Bay
I never set out to become a sleep coach. In fact, sleep was never even on my radar and most certainlysomething I didn’t think twice about.
Until I wasn’t getting any.
Like many of you, I had a child and was… read more →
Nov. 4, 2019
5 Simple Exercises You Can Do at Work
Guest Blog by Julia Muskevich
Forget about all the time you spend commuting, taking care of the kids, and running errands—working 40 hours alone makes it seem impossible to find time for a workout.
Exercise offers numerous benefits in our everyday lives, including at work.… read more →
Sep. 24, 2019
What Makes Functional Training/Crossfit Outdoors so Popular
Exercising is becoming more popular than ever and is filling up with terms such as CrossFit, kettlebell, pull-ups, and push-ups. All of these words are part of the larger category of functional training. What is…… read more → -
Aug. 14, 2019
One TAClete's Journey with the FMS Screen
I recently had the pleasure of taking Missy Amato, dedicated T.A.C. Performance Center athlete and accomplished hiker, hockey player, AT skier and snowboarder, through the FMS screen. She was curious about her movement and wanted to know what little changes she could make to improve her athletic performance. … read more →
Mar. 4, 2019
CBD for Sports Medicine - That's Natural CBD at TAC!
More and more professionals are recognizing CBD as a potential supplement for a variety of conditions – including inflammation and pain. Athletes are looking for pain-managing alternatives to opiates that are non-addictive, natural, and plant-based: that do not have the drastic and negative side-effects that often come with pharmaceutical drugs.… read more →
Jan. 30, 2019
Train Smart, Eat Right
As you ramp up your training, eat more, and at the right times.We like to assume that increased training translates to better health and, thus, more energy. However, when we increase training for a long race, we are sometimes left feeling lethargic, instead of more energized.
For many, proper nutrition throughout hard training is an afterthought. Eating well during your training cycle, not just on race day, is key to optimal performance.
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Jan. 9, 2019
Connect With Yourself In Order To Connect With Others
It’s probably no surprise to anyone when science shows us that having friends increases wellness and quality of life. However, in an increasingly complex and busy life, it can be hard to make meaningful connections and lasting friendships. While people may be quick to offer advice: “just get out there… read more →
Jan. 9, 2019
Seasonal Shift
It’s that time of year, the days are growing colder and lend themselves to slowing down. We reflect on what has come to pass and get a chance to press the reset button. It’s a good to time to make small refinements to our daily routine and perhaps hone a… read more →
Jan. 9, 2019
TAC Injury Swap
At TAC Fitness, we care about your health and want you to avoid injury! With these three modifications to three different exercises – protect yourself while building strength!
The Move: The Romanian Deadlift
Muscles worked: Hamstrings, Gluteus Maximus, Quadriceps, Adductor Magnus, Erector Spinae, Upper Trapezius
Modification for safe back strengthening.… read more →
Jan. 9, 2019
The Healthiest Way To Manage Your Eating Pattern
Looking for a sustainable way to eat healthier? Forget the diet! With all of the delicious food options out there, controlling how much you eat can be incredibly difficult. Portion control and learning the appropriate serving sizes for foods can not only help you stay healthy but also maintain or… read more →
Jan. 9, 2019
Extreme Exercise Pros & Cons - Learn The Difference With TAC Fitness!
At TAC, we believe that you will leave feeling better than when you came! But we can’t do that if we don’t know about any injuries you have or if you are new to a certain class or types of exercises. So let’s work together to ensure you get the… read more →
Jan. 9, 2019
The Physical Benefits Of A Full Night's Sleep
Sleep is one of those things that many people take for granted. But when you don’t get enough sleep, your well being and performance can suffer. If you’re short on time, you may not feel like you have enough time to sleep well.
But good sleep is essential for living… read more →
Dec. 6, 2018
Is Your Drinking a Problem?
Alcohol is everywhere, and often times drinking can seem harmless. It’s a social activity done in groups for a good time. It’s grabbing a beer with friends after work, celebrating a birthday, or glass of wine with dinner. But what happens when that single drink turns into 3 or 4.… read more →
Dec. 6, 2018
Injuries: Prevention & Rehab
If you experience pain, weakness, or limited flexibility, your tissues are dysfunctional. In the musculoskeletal system, soft tissues have to stretch, contract, and stabilize joints. Dysfunction means the soft tissues aren’t able to do their job. read more → -
Dec. 6, 2018
TAC Is A Mindbody Visionary Award Recipient
TAC Fitness & Wellness Center has been honored in the inaugural MINDBODY Visionary Awards, given for business excellence fitness, beauty, and wellness industries. “The MINDBODY Visionary Awards are our way of celebrating the businesses owners we serve... read more → -
Dec. 6, 2018
TAC Injury Swap
At TAC Fitness, we care about your health and want you to avoid injury! With these three modifications to three different exercises - protect yourself while building strengt read more → -
Dec. 6, 2018
Let’s Talk Turkey
Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the holiday season, and with the holidays comes food, food, food. With all the pies, gravy, and mashed potatoes around, making healthy eating choices can be extra challenging. read more → -
Dec. 6, 2018
Reviews.Com Guide To Fitness Trackers
Fitness trackers are becoming increasingly popular - from athletes to those looking to better monitor their activity, it seems like everyone is getting in step! But with so many options on the market, it can feel overwhelming to find a model that will measure what you want... read more → -
Dec. 6, 2018
Should I Eat Before Or After A Workout?
There are many variables that come into play - and every body is different… as a matter of fact - your body changes every day! So it is no wonder that there are so many questions. read more → -
Dec. 6, 2018
SilverSneakers Comes To TAC!
TAC has made the Healthways SilverSneakers Fitness program available, encouraging participants to visit the facilities, meet with instructors, and learn about all of the great educational workshops offered by TAC. read more →