
Fighting Obesity by Focusing on Wellness

Posted May 8, 2023

 Fighting Obesity by Focusing on Wellness

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Fighting Obesity by Focusing on Wellness

Obesity is a complex condition. It is not, despite what you have heard countless times, just about calories in and calories out. In order to lose weight effectively, you need to develop a holistic perspective of your health and well-being and tune into the reasons your food and exercise habits are the way they are. Consider these points from TAC Fitness & Performance Center to help you get started in your wellness journey.

Learn to Love Exercise

If you hate exercise, ask yourself why. Whatever negative emotions you associate with it, there is a solution out there:

  • Embarrassment: Many people feel embarrassed when they workout, either because they think they look silly or because they are scared of doing something wrong. If this is the case for you, try online personal training.
  • Boredom: If spending 45 minutes on an elliptical machine sounds boring, that’s because it is. Fun yet intense workout options abound, from Zumba to martial arts to high intensity interval training (HIIT). Try out a few different classes until you find one you enjoy that makes the time fly by. Seniors can enjoy plenty of workouts too, from swimming to indoor walking to stretching exercises and more, there is a wealth of activities to keep you moving.
  • Physical discomfort: To a certain extent, this is unavoidable. However, if exercise leaves you panting for breath, feeling sick, or in pain (excluding post-workout soreness, which is perfectly normal), you are probably trying something too intense, too fast. Build your way up slowly; you have to, quite literally, run before you walk. Topical pain treatment is a good stop-gap for those especially painful times.

Eat Better, Not Perfectly

You don’t have to dive straight into eating a low-sugar, low-carb, high-protein, veggie-packed diet. Changing your whole approach and relationship to food does not happen overnight. Learn to make small, incremental changes and swaps, and take your time to get used to them. This will get you in the habit of thinking about what and how you cook and pave the way for a balanced diet.

Reduce Stress

Stress in day-to-day life is mostly unavoidable; however, you can take steps to reduce stress. Remember, being overstressed actually activates cortisol in your body, which can inhibit weight loss and lead to cravings and binging.

This is why reducing stress is a critical component of your weight loss journey. Ways to reduce stress include saying no more often, keeping better track of your finances, starting a meditation practice, trying yoga and even journaling. Make caring for your mental health a focus of your wellness journey.

You can also limit stress at home by keeping a clean and orderly living environment. With well-placed plants, aromatherapy, more natural light and even some soothing artwork, you can turn your home into a stress-free space that helps your stress fall away after a long day.

Go to Sleep

According to the Harvard School of Public Health, studies have shown that sleep and weight are linked. This is because how much sleep you get directly affects the hormones that control appetite, making you hungrier the less sleep you get. Lack of sleep can also make you tired, sad, and stressed, which is particularly dangerous for those who have a tendency toward emotional eating.

Be Kind to Yourself

Being kind to yourself may seem at odds with forcing yourself to lose weight, but your mistake is in thinking of it as “forcing.” Practice self-love to reassess your relationship with yourself and your body. You will eventually learn to see healthy habits as self-care.

You may feel like there are mental barriers in the way, such as trauma, depression, or anxiety. You owe it to yourself to deal with these barriers in any way you can. Visit your doctor and ask about medication and therapy options and start working towards a healthy mind.

Surgery: Yes or No?

For those who have been obese for a long time and have tried everything else, surgery is often the last resort. It is important to consider the pros and cons before making such a drastic choice.

Whatever you choose, make sure to take time to evaluate your decision, and don’t forget to consider your mental well-being. If you feel like you are ready to go under the knife, make sure you have a solid support system, including friends and family, to help you through the transition.

When you tackle obesity from a wellness perspective, you allow yourself to see weight loss differently. You refocus the priority on your overall well-being, instead of your appearance. This allows you to view your weight loss not as a grueling punishment, but as an opportunity to improve how you feel.

For individual and group fitness, personal training, and performance coaching, visit TAC Fitness & Performance Center today!

Categories: Training